Friday 13 November 2009

Naruto Character List Full!

learn to walk, though many Naruto Character List times fall. We also need to continue to learn SEO despite our mistakes everywhere. Blogs we will be a quiet pasture if we do not try to learn SEO and applying SEO techniques on our blog. Like this blog for example, very quiet ... ihik ... alone

It's quiet for now. Because it is rarely updated. I promise to take care of this blog more seriously. Promise to myself and the promise of this blog.

"Hi blogku ... I promise to care for the better, I'm sorry that was too long neglected ... (serious face expression)"

Okay, back to the SEO issue. SEO is short for search engine optimization, namely the various techniques used to maximize a website or blog to Naruto Character List rank in the presence of optimal search engine (search engine). By applying SEO techniques, web or blog is expected to appear on the front page search engine results with specific keywords. For example in google or yahoo. The hope, of course, web or blog can reap many visitors (traffic) if the web or blog appears at page leading search engines.

Until here it was felt he cried learn SEO.

Continue what the hell SEO techniques it? Up here I can not talk much about SEO. I'm still green, a new study. Let the masters who speak in detail. But let me reveal a little that I know. Is not it true the expression "deliver Naruto Character List even though it was only one verse"? (search for legitimacy he .. he ..).

At least it is divided into two SEO techniques, ie on-page optimization or optimization on a web page or blog itself, and off-page optimization or optimization outside of a web page or blog.

On-Page Optimization, which Naruto Character List including among others: Domain name or blog name, Title and Meta Tags, Design and layout web / blog, Image, Key words (keywords) in the article / content. Meanwhile, Off-Page Optimization, among others: Jumah Backlink, Quality Backlink.

For details, no further dipostingan if I have a lot to learn. But too much spread on the Internet if we googling. Or buy a book or ebook about SEO from a writer who truly believed and known to have had experience in direct Naruto Character List practice. Because if we want to succeed more quickly, we must learn to master.